The Apple Macbook Air Laptop is very much the latest breakthrough product from this company and is being classed the world's thinnest laptop, it's depth being about that of an ...
Apple are an intuitive conglomerate of massive proportions and yet they still seem to have the knack of bringing out consumer focused mobile phones that attract attention. Take the latest ...
Today's news article on computer forensics is about hacking encrypted Fingerprint USB drives. The encryption being talked about is AES 256 hardware encryption, which til date use to be considered ...
Morse Code has been in use for more than 160 years in various forms of communications. It was originally designed and adapted for use in the telegraph as a simple ...
*Are you going about your life with purpose? Maybe your purpose for doing things is not distinctly seen on the surface. Is it safe to assume your purpose surrounds working ...
A good security token is the one that distinctively corresponds to you and which nobody could know, guess or copy. This is the reason why security experts suggest us to ...
If you want to cut down the space and weight associated with speaker system then you should probably go for the small and easily portable iPod speakers. These units are ...
With the introduction of Windows 95, Apple's market share which was around 5% further declined to between 3 - 4%. That placed the company on near bankruptcy prompting Apple's board ...
What is Colossus?Colossus is software licensed to about twenty-five insurance companies to aid in predicting the settlement value of claims. The insurance industry maintains it is a useful tool because ...
All-in-one computers are just like desktop computers only they are more compact. Instead of having three components: the monitor, CPU and the input devices, a mini computer only has two ...