Or, how it’s all the Department of Agriculture’s fault. General Photographic Agency / Getty Images But after WWI, manufacturers began looking for cheap ways to make clothes for lots of...
LINK: @chesneylattuga 1. The engaging analysts and shoutcasters who hype everything up. Owen DeValk for BuzzFeed Shoutcasters are like your overly excited, knowledgeable best friends who explain all the chaotic...
“Do you ever get one wing so flawless, you don’t even want to attempt the other one cus same.” @browngirlbeautee / Via instagram.com @passionnotpossesion / Via instagram.com @narissacullen_mua / Via...
Four women, four different curl patterns. Taylor Miller / Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed Andre Walker is many things: an award-winning hairstylist, a hair-care entrepreneur, and an author. But according to...
People look better in glasses. There, I said it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ You know how the old trope goes: A person finally takes their glasses off and — OH MY GOD —...
Facts: Kanye is the best stylist Kim has ever had. Michael Buckner / Getty Images Looking at 2007 Kim, would make anyone cringe a little. E! Dimitrios Kambouris And it...
Black hair > Picasso. First of all, get into these perfectly sculpted edges that are LEGIT leaving us speechless. Follow @filthyrichtresses on IG and YouTube for the most satisfying pics...
“So you’re gonna wanna take your paw and lightly tap your base shadow like this…” This pooch who just wanted to swatch in peace. Instagram: @_ve_roni_ca This beauty who was...
“When Tasha did it ‘omg so ghetto, absolutely no class,’ but Becky does it and it’s a manicure sculpture.” Here's hoping this year stories like these are few and far...