The over unity generator is a device that hundreds of thousands of people are making at home, DIY-style, and using it to generate large amounts of their own electricity. 7 kilowatts is a typical starting figure and this alone is enough to power most homes. What is “over unity” and how is it possible to make this theory a reality in terms of real, practical power generation? In this article, I will tell you how.
Over Unity Theory
Unity refers to a ratio. When people talk about over unity generators, they refer to machines that can produce more energy than is required to use in getting them to start or to run.
Over unity is not a new theory. It has been discussed and researched for over a century. Some of the major discoveries in over unity theory were by Nikola Tesla, a man widely regarded as the inventor of alternating current, without which there would be no way to transfer power over large distances and power every home.
Until recently, there were few and far between applications of this theory. This is mostly explained due to lobbyists and others with vested interests who do not like this technology because it upsets the status quo and will inevitably lead to a loss of profits in extracting fossil fuels and burning them up for power generation.
How To Build An Overunity Generator
An over unity generator is a very simple device indeed. It consists of little more than a rotor, upon which are mounted several strategically placed magnets. All that remains is to install and configure some copper wiring and you have almost everything you need to start generating your own power.
An initial input of force is put into the system (you can do this yourself or use a battery) and then the motion is self-sustaining. Frictional losses in the bearings and from air resistance are countered by the intrinsic properties of the magnets.
Overunity Generator Plans
While the over unity generator is very simple and easy to construct, you will still save yourself a lot of time and returning to the drawing board if you make use of a modern set of generator plans.
These may set you back around 50 bucks but, before you baulk at that price, consider how much your time is worth. If you prefer to try and figure it out yourself and are willing to tinker for a year or more (this is how long many of the recent pioneers have taken to refine their concepts into working prototypes) then be my guest. Most people, however, find that a 50 bucks investment is more than worth it if it means that they can get a generator up and running and producing 7 kilowatts of power in less than a week.
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Over-Unity-Generator—How-To-Generate-Your-Own-Electricity&id=5084308