Many people acquire an extended automobile warranty on their cars in order to help safeguard them against the high costs that unexpected repairs can bring. An extended automobile warranty will provide coverage for repairs and maintenance work for a period of time that is set out in the warranty documents. Since these extended warranties are not included in the price of a vehicle and cost an additional amount, they are technically considered service contracts rather than warranties in the true sense of the word.
Getting an extended automotive warranty can also cover things besides parts, repairs and maintenance work. Many automobile warranty companies also provide you with emergency roadside assistance. This can come in very handy if you are driving and experience a flat tire or need to jump start a dead battery. Roadside assistance will also cover towing and emergency delivery of fuel should you run out of gas. Towing coverage will guarantee that if your car breaks down on the road it can be towed to a repair shop or garage and the cost of repairs will be covered by your extended warranty. Some automobile warranty companies even go one step further by providing you with a rental car in case your vehicle needs to be in the garage for an extended period of time.
When getting an extended warranty, especially a used car warranty, you should always try to negotiate its price with the dealership. Car dealers make a large amount of money by selling extended auto warranties which can sometimes equal the amount of profit that they would make by selling a used car. Another important fact that you should know is that a used car warranty doesn’t necessarily have to be bought at the same time that you buy a car. You have up to one year to buy an extended auto warranty. Many financial institutions and auto insurance companies can provide you with an extended used car warranty at competitive prices, sometimes much lower than the price your dealer was quoting you.
If you are thinking of getting an additional automotive warranty, make sure that you carefully check what the original warranty that comes with the car covers and for how long it runs. If you don’t plan on keeping the car past the date of the original warranty, it makes little sense to purchase extended
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Automobile-Warranty&id=4597118