What exactly are automobile insurance rates and what are they based on? Simply put, automobile insurance rates are what you pay for your auto insurance coverage. Most companies offer payments in either monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annually. Most of the time it is cheaper to pay either semi-annually or annually, if you can do that. The rates are lower this way because there are usually no installment fees added to it.
What are automobile insurance rates based on?
They are based, first of all, on the rating that is given by your state’s Department of Insurance. Each county is rated based on the number of accidents, citations, tickets, and other violations reported. The more accidents and violations reported from your county, the more the rates will be. However, the rates are also based on your driving record, age, and even gender and marital status. If you have a poor driving record, you can expect your rates to be fairly high. Insurance for teenagers and young drivers under the age of 25 and single will be higher. And the majority of the time automobile insurance rates are cheaper for females than males.
How do you go about getting an automobile insurance rate?
You can either call around to different companies, go online, or go into your local insurance offices. To get a correct rate you will need to take in the vehicle identification number of the vehicle(s) you are wanting to insure, your driver’s license, and a proof of previous insurance with another company (if you have this). You must be completely honest and tell them of any accidents or violations because they will run a motor vehicle report. Most companies will require to see a copy of the registration or title to the vehicle(s) you are wanting to insure.
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Automobile-Insurance-Rates&id=2751818