Free electricity from air and nothing else – could any person use this to generate usable electricity to power their home? The answer is a resounding "yes". Tens of thousands around the world are already doing this every day. In this article I will tell you about the history and science behind getting free electricity from the air and tell you how you can do it yourself.
Scientific Breakthroughs Quashed
By far the biggest scientific breakthroughs in this area were done by Nikola Tesla, a man who Einstein called "the smartest man in the world". Although the average man in the street has never heard of him, he was the creator or discoverer of many technologies including robotics, remote control, vertical take-off aircraft, wireless communications, the laser and many more. Despite living around 100 years ago, he even foresaw the use of satellites.
Tesla dedicated half of his life towards the study of "radiant energy" and how to harness it. Radiant energy is all around us and is limitless. Tesla believed that it could be harnessed and there was simply no need to use fossil fuels or renewables. Even today you can create a basic electrical circuit to listen to the radio that requires no external power whatsoever. Just imagine if we could harness all the other electromagnetic waves that are all around us and going to waste. Even Nokia are soon going to launch a technology that allows a cellphone to be charged up using nothing more than radio waves that are all around us.
Unfortunately, Tesla's breakthroughs were quashed when his funding was suddenly stopped. Nobody knows exactly why but, in my opinion, his work was crushed thanks to the influence of prominent industrialists who were at the time already heavily invested in the current method of energy extraction.
How Can You Obtain Free Electricity From Air ?
So what if you want to extract radiant energy and use it to power your own home today?
Unfortunately, there are no commercial devices on the market. If you think about it, there are even more trillions of dollars invested in the current status quo: a world heavily reliant on not just coal, oil and natural gas but increasingly in renewables. There is no way that the powers that be will suddenly let go the grip they enjoy thanks to the world's current "energy crisis".
However, you can use the legacy of Tesla's work to create your own domestic magnetic generator. This consists of a rotor surrounded by several strategically placed neodymium magnets. After a kick-start, the rotor will spin indefinitely in equilibrium and can supply around 7 to 10 kilowatts of electricity to your home. This is more than enough for most people's needs and means that you can stop paying the electricity company your hard earned cash.
I recommend investing a nominal amount (around 50 dollars) in a reliable set of tried and tested instructional plans. If you do not, you could be tearing your hair out for months as you struggle to test and tweak your motor. You will actually lose more money this way from your bills that still need paying. If you take the easier route and invest in plans, you can be up and running within days.
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Free-Electricity-From-Air—Is-It-Really-Possible?&id=5817923