If you're interested in second hand car prices, we have a few things to tell you.
First, using the Kelly Blue Book, Which is available on the Web at Http://www.kbb.com and in book form from your local library (both for <br> free), is an easy way to Determine how much you shouldnt pay for the second hand car you'd like to buy. Edmunds.com is another free, online source that's trustworthy and easy to use. It's available in book form at the library.
The Kelly Blue Book and Edmunds tell how much every car on the road is selling for today. The books and Web sites are well organized and easy to use. You start with the make of car you're interested in (for example, GMC, Toyota, Jaguar or whatever). You choose the kind of Ford or Honda next (Honda Accord, Ford Focus, etc.). Then you select whether it's an XL, L, S or whatever, the condition, year and several other details like that.
It's a good idea to take the extra five minutes to see what Edmunds and Kelly say. They rarely say the same thing. You can also look in your local classifieds to see what similar second hand cars to the one you're interested in are selling for, or call several local car dealers.
The blue book and Edmunds do not do everything, of course. They will not tell you how dependable the car you're interested in is, or if the specific car you're going to buy is a lemon (or what to do if it is). They do not tell you how to negotiate to get the lowest possible price for your next car, or how to negotiate with your insurance agent and the bank who finances your loan. They do not tell you where to go to get the most reliable information on the cars you're interested in, or how to turn a salesman's scams to your advantage.
But if you're interested in car prices for second hand cars, Kelly's and Edmunds are good places to start. But there's so much more to getting a great deal on your next car. Good luck!
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Second-Hand-Car-Prices&id=444251