It has been hinted that the greatest genius of the 20th century was not Albert Einstein, but Nicola Tesla. One of his many achievements was inventing alternating current that we use in electricity. His inventions were numerous and years ahead of their time; even today some are not fully understood. His knowledge of harnessing the power of resonance and vibration was phenomenal. He has been called the father of vibrational therapy.
We will return to Nicola Tesla shortly. Sacred scripture reveals that Adam was put into a deep sleep and a rib was removed for the purpose of making a woman. The Hebrew word translated as rib is tsela. This word actually means a curve and the key to understanding this word resides in the comparison of yet another word tsala, which, according to the Strong’s Concordance, is identified with the word tsela and means vibration; to tinkle, i.e. rattle together.
A closer inspection of the rib or curve that was metaphysically removed from Adam reveals the answer to a mystery. We know that a rib is in the shape of a curve. What is the mystery of this curve? Sound vibrations are waves that have crests and troughs. When these crests and troughs are studied they take on the form of a curve; they curve up (crest) and then they curve down (trough). Sound waves are diagrammed as curves on a graph. A visual example is a stone dropped in water. The water forms ripples, or crests and troughs radiating from all sides.
The mystery of the curve is not that a physical rib was removed from Adam, but that the feminine vibration was separated from the masculine vibration for the purpose of interactive companionship between the two vibrations.
Getting back to Nicola Tesla — is it just a bizarre coincidence that his name and the word tsela are so similar. Is it merely a coincidence that the name of the man whose phenomenal understanding of electromagnetics, resonance, vibrations, and frequencies is so similar to the Hebrew words relating to the same thing? Probably. But still, do the works of this genius, many of which have “disappeared,” reveal unprecedented truths ready to be uncovered in this time? Does the Divine Mind, with a sense of intrigue and humor, lead us in uncertain directions through mysterious coincidences? Is the Source of life (vibrations, movement, frequencies) revealing a sacred secret for seekers to unravel?
Because of the Freedom of Information Act it is possible to download the FBI file on Nicola Tesla. On page 114 of the file there is a copy of an unpublished manuscript from John J. O’Neill’s book Prodigal Genius. A very interesting passage is quoted as follows: “The nature of his system makes little difference now; he has gone and taken it with him. Perhaps, if there is any communication from beyond the veil that separates this life from whatever exists hereafter, Tesla may look down upon earth’s struggling mortals and find some way of dropping a hint concerning what he accomplished…”
Has the Super-Conscious or Divine Mind dropped us a hint to point us in the right direction?
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Nicola-Tesla,-Tsela,-and-the-Garden-of-Eden&id=1527074