The fountain of youth is just a phone call away…..
I have heard from women that growing old they will gracefully do. It reminds me when people say beauty is skin deep. Some truth be told, all human beings would feel incredible if they were proud of their youthful appearance as they age gracefully. It does take maintenance.
Like a loving respectful child, a fine tuned automobile or anything we value, must be nurtured and protected from the environment and other influences that rapidly destroy the beauty of what we cherish. A level of commitment and consistency is needed to achieve a healthy balance in all we do. This is certainly the case in preventing the body, mind and our appearance from prematurely aging. Virtually at any age the body can look and feel incredible if you’re willing to put in the effort.
Avoiding the sun, maintaining a healthy weight and choosing less toxic food can protect your body, mind and appearance indefinitely. Some and unfortunately many have had some bad habits in the past and have neglected taking care of themselves for many years. With the technology available today you can reverse and correct much of the damage you have done to help your skin look better than ever.
Microdermabrasion, Laser Skin Resurfacing and IPL Laser treatments will correct and remove brown spots, redness, scars and wrinkles but the treatments that will lift and tighten the skin are Botox Cosmetics, Radiesse and other facial fillers.
Why put poison in your body? Doesn’t that contradict health? Botox is a protein, used for over twenty years, to help many medical conditions. Recently Botox has been approved to safely and effectively remove forehead wrinkles, frown lines, crows feet, sagging eyelids and droopy eyebrows with no downtime at a fraction of the cost of surgery. Radiesse is calcium based facial filler that lifts the face by filling in the upper check area and the lines around the mouth in minutes and last for over a year. Jevederm, Restylane, and Pearlane are Hyaluronic acid. These are natural, safe fillers, which are softer than Radiesse and often preferred for use in lifting and filling in the lip area and under the eyes.
Wrinkle removal is almost immediate with these treatments and within days the face appears tight, with a youthful fullness.
Women and men are seeking Botox and fillers now more than ever. It is never too late to start a healthy lifestyle, protect your face from the sun and make changes toward a more healthy diet.
The glory of this process is that it’s very quick and with little discomfort. The results of Radiesse and other fillers is immediate. Botox takes effect within 24 to 48 hours and the results are literally eye opening. As with all cosmetic procedures these injections are technique dependent. A highly trained and skilled medical professional must be administering these products. Mostly all treatments take less than 15 minutes and the process is undetectable. The results, however are obvious but without downtime or scars. No one will understand how you were able to look ten years younger over the weekend.