Many parents find the expense of car insurance for teenagers are a hidden to them due to its very high rates. They get the shock of their life when they saw how expensive it is to protect their teenager from any mishaps that result from their driving. This is not a shocking new fact as teenagers have been regarded as high risk drivers for a long time. They are one the most expensive classes of drivers to insure due to their lack of experience and reckless attitude in driving. However, there are still ways to decrease your teenager's rates.
Firstly, even though you have been with the same insurance company for a long time, do not assume that they are the only company offering good policies in terms of price and coverage. There is a possibility that there are better companies out there in the market; therefore, you should always try researching around before thinking of renewing your policy with your current company. Other companies may be able to offer better price and this is definitely a strong factor for you to switch to another company.
If you teenage child is a high scorer in school, remember to mention this when you are purchasing car insurance for teenagers. Many insurance companies reward good grades with lower rates. This is because students with better grades seem to make fewer claims compare to students who get C's and below. Enrolling your teenage child into advanced driving courses is also a wise move to reduce the rates. Your teenager's driving skills will be significantly improved once they graduated from these courses. Here, these helps lower their risk as well as their rates.
Adding security and safety devices to your teen's car will also help tremendously in lowering their rates. For example, you can try installing devices like alarm system into their cars and you will notice a big difference in their rates. This not only helps you to get more affordable car insurance for teenagers, they will also help you to ensure your child is more protected when he or she drives.
Apart from that, it is also possible to get reasonable rates for your car insurance for teens if you add your teenager name under your policy. It is very common that your rates might double or even triple when you add a teenager under your policy, but you will get more savings compared to buying a single policy for your teenage child. When your teen child proves to be a responsible driver over time, the rates will gradually decrease as well.