The First Reason – Profit not Percentage
Think about it, when you work for someone else, you only make a PERCENTAGE of the overall profit while your employer rakes in a PROFIT. Working for yourself reverses that money wheel in your favor.
The Second Reason – Competition factor.
Competition with co-workers in the work setting can drive a wedge between co-workers and create tension. This poses an uncomfortable scenario for all involved. Many is the time that we hear countless stories about describing employees that lose out on a promotion; only for it to be awarded to a co-worker trained by a more qualified employee.
The Third Reason- Increased Family Time
Have you ever heard the saying: "Time is of the essence" and "Life is precious; Life is too short". Being able to spend time with loved ones is important because we never know how much time we have with them. When you are your own boss, it affords you that family time.
The Fourth Reason – No commuting; less wear and tear on vehicle; save gas.
Although gas prices have gone down drastically in recent weeks, there is a high probability that once the economy improves, gas prices will soar again. Therefore, the idea of working from your home office is more and more appealing for everyone. Plus, you get to work in your pajamas if you want … that's always a plus!
The Fifth Reason – No More Negative Co-Workers
No longer dealing with negative people for 8 hour work days is a major stress reliever. When we are surrounded by such people, it can impact your workspace and work productivity. However, working from home for yourself will do just the opposite.
The Sixth Reason- Vacation When You Want To; Jamaica, Hawaii, Europe, The Islands
What a nice feeling to have someone say "Welcome" to their country as a tourist, visitor for days at a time without a care in the world. No more having to call in and check for messages or worry about paperwork piled up on your desk because you work from home.
The Seventh Reason – Have More Money To Give
Ever heard the expression: "Better to give than receive" .Have you ever wanted to give more money to your church, or perhaps a charity or fundraiser. You'll also have money to give to the causes that mean the most to you.
You'll also have the money to give to friends, family or anyone you're close to.
The Reason- Financial Future Of Your Children
Infection causes everything from milk to college tuition to increase. To be able to meet that financial demand head on because you have the capital is proof positive that a home-based business is your saving grace.
The Ninth Reason – Early Retirement ……. Super Early
In today's troubled economy, there is an increased number of retirees who have had to re-enter the work during their Golden Years due to a loss of pension, stock market crash and other scenarios that we have become all too familiar with via the media circuit .
The Tenth Reason – Look out for those who looked out for you.
Being able to provide for your parents is an absolute joy. It gives you the chance to do for them in the capacity that they have done for you. I like to call it "Parental Payback". Parents appreciate it because it is a clear indicator that their children care about them. Extended family and relatives fall into this bracket as well.