When reading classical books, such as Napoleon Hill’s work, the differences in phrasing, word choice and story telling can seem awkward. For instance, Napoleon Hill uses the word “telepathy” in a context not commonly used today. In the 21st century we think of telepathy as mind reading or the direct sending of thoughts from one person to another. Napoleon Hill appears to use telepathy in the sense of all thoughts being available to everyone once they are created. Those thoughts can then be accessed by anyone. Napoleon Hill likens telepathy to a radio receiver. Today he would use a satellite receiver as the perfect metaphor.
Tuning In Your Receiver
We are continually bombarded by electromagnetic waves. If you have the correct receiver to pick up the particular frequency, you will receive information through your radio, computer or television. Napoleon Hill experiences thoughts created by one person as “floating” in space and being available to be picked up by someone whose mind is tuned to that particular frequency.
For instance, if you are working on a particular topic, you are “tuned in” to the thoughts of others regarding that subject matter. The thoughts of all those around you who have been considering the same subject are available to you. This is where many of the flashes of insight come. Someone has asked a question such as, “How do I build a lighter, sturdier and more efficient automobile?” The individual becomes the satellite gathering in the information available. The energy of the thoughts of others combines with your own thoughts. Something new is formed through imagination.
Forming an Image of Your Definite Purpose
When you form as complete a sensory picture of what you want to achieve in a particular stage of your life, you are activating imagination. When you do this, you attract to yourself the thoughts, solutions and possibilities other people have devised relevant to your definite purpose. You then put various pieces together and develop a different way of using the ideas. Consider music. There are a limited number of notes which are then arranged in an order at a specific tempo resulting in a unique song or symphony. There are an infinite number of arrangements of basic elements to form something new.
Once you have your intention or definite purpose established, you begin to attract to you the ideas needed to bring your dreams into reality. This is why it’s important to have a clear picture of what you want to create with the emotion of confidence. This combination attracts to you the ideas relevant to your specific definite purpose. If you have your definite purpose surrounded with the negative emotion of it being impossible to achieve, you will attract to you the certainty of that impossibility. Your very negativity blocks any solutions from entering your mind because you attract to you the energy of impossibility rather than possibility.
When you have a desire to achieve a goal, do so with the intent of discovering how it will be done. Ideas will then find their way to you. With your imagination, you will put these ideas together in different ways to achieve success.