Every day in all fifty states, the United States Government disputes of surplus, repossessed, and cleared property by way of public auction. This property consist of cars, trucks, sport utility vehicles, vans, recreation vehicles, and much more. It is all sold to the highest bidder on the spot, even if the highest bit is far below what the vehicles blue book value shows it is worth.
Most times the auctioneer starts the bidding extremely low, and great deals can be found. Most of the time the prices increases to a number significantly less than the fair market value of the merchandise, and it goes for that. But sometimes some amazing deals can be found, such as good quality, almost new vehicles selling for less than five hundred dollars. That is the exception instead of the rule, but it does happen every one in a while, and if you are looking for a good used vehicle that has been serviced regularly, and kept in top condition, then United States Government auctions may be just the thing to avoid paying top dollar at a new or used car lot. Also United States Government auctions have a wide verity of different makes and models of motor vehicles to choose from, and they hold auctions all over the country, so there will most likely be one close to you, and if you do not see exactly what you want in the auction, there will be other auctions near you, because they happen all the time.