Garages have become an important part of the home over the years. Before, they were seen as just a space to put cars in and store unused things. Today, however, garages are seen as favorable additions that add value to your home. This is why many homes and buildings invest in their garages. Maintaining the garage door is not as easy as it seems. These units have complex parts. They are big structures that require maintenance in order for them to work properly.
Understanding the Mechanics
These doors have moving and non-moving parts, making them very complex structures that require a lot of maintenance. For this maintenance, you need a team of experts to help you with maintenance. There are two basic parts: the opener and the door itself.
These units utilize spring tension. Moving on metal tracks via rollers, the doors have heavy springs that are used to open it.
It doesn’t matter if the issue is complex or simple, repair services are available.
Checking for Needed Repairs
First, you need to check that the metal tracks to determine if they are in good shape. If the mounting brackets that hold the tracks in place are overly loose, you have to tighten the bolts. Additionally, look for damage such as malformations and flat spots. If you find these, use a mallet or a piece of wood to pound the metal back into shape.
You also need to check that the tracks are still level and horizontal. The tracks should be properly aligned. If they are not, loosen the bolts holding the metal brackets but don’t remove them. Check the tracks again to be sure that they are really level and then make the screws and bolts tighter.
These tracks and other moving parts also require periodic lubrication to operate smoothly. They should be kept free of dust and grime. Most homeowners’ automatically reach for products like WD-40 when they need to lubricate something. These units, however, require a special lubricant. The lubricant recommended for the operation of these doors is a grease based silicone or lithium spray. These can be found at a hardware store.
Lastly, you need to check the hardware. If it is loose, you may need to tighten it. Check the springs and hinges and make sure that they are all properly tightened. If one side of the door sags, it can often be remedied by repairing the hinges. If you see that there are enlarged screw holes, replace the screw with a larger screw of the same length and fill in the extra space with a fiber plug that is hollow. Dip this in carpenter’s glue and screw it in. These are just some suggestions on how to repair you’re the door to your garage. It’s important to have a fully functioning unit to prevent losses and intrusions in the house.