There are many different types of auto warranties out there. By understanding what each one is and what it entails, you can make a more educated choice regarding your auto warranty coverage. Before signing any contracts regarding auto warranty coverage, make absolutely sure you are aware of what your warranty will cover and what it will not. There are lots of different warranty providers that offer various plans, so shop around to make sure you get the best value and plan to suit your individual needs.
Powertrain: A powertrain warranty provides coverage for the engine, driveshaft, and transmission. There are powertrain warranties that last the duration of your original warranty, and others that last longer. Powertrain warranties only cover certain aspects. If other parts of your vehicle fail, they will not be covered under a powertrain warranty. When purchasing a vehicle, ask about the powertrain warranty that is included to make sure you’re clear on the terms.
Powertrain Plus: Powertrain plus is similar to a powertrain warranty, except more involved. A powertrain plus warranty will normally cover the wear, tear and breakdown of vehicle components such as the engine, transmission, driveshaft, axle, seals and gaskets, and more. This type of plan is more inclusive than a basic powertrain plan, but also more expensive. However, a warranty of this type can certainly save you a bundle on costly repairs.
Full Coverage: Full coverage, also known as premier, is exactly what it sounds like. Under a full coverage auto warranty, you get coverage for all aspects of your vehicle, including powertrain components and various other parts of your vehicle. Let’s say your keyless entry or signal light breaks. Under a powertrain warranty, you can forget about it being covered. However, with full coverage, it would be covered. Full coverage is an ideal option for anyone seeking coverage for every aspect of their vehicle.
Bumper to Bumper: Bumper to bumper, or premier plus auto warranty coverage is provided with the purchase of all new vehicles. If any part of your vehicle wears out or breaks down, it is covered under a bumper to bumper warranty. However, there are some aspects of your vehicle that are not covered under this type of policy. This would include basic maintenance like oil changes, tune ups and flat tires. Most of the time, these types of expenses are the vehicle owner’s responsibility.
Various warranty providers offer different types of warranties. Many require deductibles, while some don’t. Some warranty plans only cover certain things, while some are all inclusive. To find the right plan for you, do some comparison shopping. Because different providers offer different plans and rates, it’s crucial to check several warranty providers to make sure you’re getting the best value for your money.