California lemon law arbitration procedure can only be availed of, if the vehicle or consumer goods in question are bought after 1986. There is a condition in the warranty specifically stating that the manufacturer uses better business bureau’s BBB auto line arbitration, to settle claims.
If the above conditions are satisfied, it is better to directly inform the manufacturer about the defects in the vehicle or the goods in question. A customer complaint or a record number can be obtained from the manufacturer’s office. This number is the proof that the owner has informed the manufacturer about the defects and may be required in the court proceedings, if any.
The manufacturer then directs the buyer to the BBB auto line department for a claim form that is to be filled up and submitted along with other documents, such as a copy of the purchase contract. The BBB then forwards the claim form to the manufacturer who either settles the claim or contests it. If the claim is settled then there is no need to take the proceedings any further. However if the claim is not settled, then the owner is entitled to an arbitration that is provided by the BBB auto line department.
Arbitration means that the owner of the product or the vehicle will get a chance to tell his side of the story to an impartial judge, at the BBB department. The judge or the arbitrator will then decide upon the outcome of the case, after he has listened to the manufacturer’s representative.
The arbitrator’s decision is binding upon the manufacturer but not on the owner. This means that the manufacturer is legally bound to heed the decision of the BBB arbitrator. The BBB auto line program is free and should be completed within 40 days of commencement.