Mercedes Benz, or what people call today as either “Mercedes” or “Benz” is a German automobile car brand that has fast become a status symbol for the rich and famous.
Daimler Benz AG, the company that used to produce Mercedes Benz Cars was formed from the merging of two companies namely Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG) and Benz & Cie in June 28, 1926. These two companies started to work together due to the arising need that rooted a troubled German economy during the World War 1. They finally merged in 1926 and became Daimler-Benz AG. Today, Mercedes-Benz cars are already owned by DaimlerChrysler AG.
The name “Mercedez” poses a lot of questions about where it really originated from. In 1899, DMG built automobiles at Unterturkheim, which were successfully raced by Emil Jellinek, an automobile dealer and enthusiast. His daughter’s name was Mercedes and this name was painted on the automobiles for good luck. Jellinek somehow inspired the creation of the first in the DMG Mercedes series which is the seminal 1900 DMG model.
Mercedes Benz cars are known for their technological innovations and their emphasis on safety. They were first to introduce the safety cage, anti-lock brakes, airbags, traction control and many other safety features that are standard in every car they produce.
With this rich history, it’s a guarantee that every Mercedes Benz car produced represents the company’s priority features, which are luxury, safety and technology.
But a Mercedes Benz without its performance parts can never be a real Mercedes Benz. These Mercedes performance parts are the ones that make-up this car. Without them, this car won’t even function at all.
Mercedes performance cars include any part that performs a specific function that contributes to the overall performance of your Mercedes Benz car. These performance parts may be your ignition coil, spark plugs, radiators, oxygen sensors, fuel injectors, fuel filters, A/C condensers and other performance parts. Each of these parts has a vital function that should never be taken for granted.
It is best to know when to replace these parts in order to prevent future car troubles. You would not want to be stuck on the road just because the parts you bought were defective or didn’t last that long enough. Choose only reliable Mercedes performance parts for greater satisfaction.