So it’s done, for whatever reason your shining tresses, those locks you once prided upon, have lost their allure, dulled out, drying faster than a pond in a desert and splitting faster than a newly divorced couple, the question is now raised to you, do I give up? Let time take its devastating toll on one what was once an imperative part of your personality?
If you answered no on both of those questions, read on.
For as long as humankind has valued beauty, hair care has played a vital role in it, society has very well ingrained in our minds that once a person’s hair starts thinning out, they’re past their prime, a relic of the past, ready to be discarded, replaced. The truth couldn’t be harsher than this, and although men might suffer from this dilemma on an equal footing to women, one cannot deny that the social effect felt to the latter is far worse than the former, tenfold in some situations.
Below are some ways I’ve compiled for you to fight back and arm yourself against this enemy:
• The Trim:
I know this is the last thing you want to hear right now, this might be the very thing you’re trying to avoid by reading this, but hear me out, the toughest of decisions might be the ones that produce the best results, if any at all, so give those split ends a trim, you don’t have to go for a full super cut, just the ends, and if you do decide to go full commando, well, you might want to try out these other remedies before doing anything drastic.
• Avoid the hot fix:
The blow dryer and curling irons are often referred as a woman’s dual swords, but they’re a double edged sword, for every time your favorite blow dryer and curling iron have raced against time to get you ready for that fabulous party with your friends. For every second they’ve shaved off your preparation time, they’ve done so at a hefty cost, and for some, it might be too much to gamble now, so consider retiring these weapons of mass preparations, or lessen them to a considerable amount.
• Say NO to color… for now:
Genetics are unfair, we’ve all been there, we all wanted that perfect looking hair and somehow it’s just not possible without our favorite colored dye, we didn’t choose our hair color to be this way, it’s just how it is, so when someone tends to advise you against your own perfection goals, you tend to ignore them, especially if it’s just a seemingly harmless bottle away, but these devils have done an equal amount of harm to your locks as they’ve helped them. If not more. So hold off for now.
• Spare no expense:
If you’re willing to go that extra mile and bring out the big guns, some hair repair products are no short of miracles, but where to start, these companies are more interested in making profits, then actually helping the customer, and they’re so many of them, that choosing the right one is no short of a nightmare, not to worry, I’ve got your back, try starting with Macadamia, it comes with a personal recommendation.
Remember to stay vigilant! It might seem like the end of the world right now. but I promise it almost always gets better.