If you are lucky enough to be able to get a new car, then you are going to need to get it covered with a good insurance policy. Car Insurance rates have been going up the last few years and it looks as though this trend will not slow down.
The good news is there are common sense things you can control to get cheap car insurance online. The internet is probably the most incredible human invention of all time and it has lowered prices on so many things, from travel reservations to direct insurance coverage. The first step in combating inflation and increasing auto insurance price hikes is to frequently shop around for quotes on the web. Anyone with an internet connection can get quoted in only about 10 minutes and compare policies from direct providers like go auto insurance and other top carriers.
Direct rates are cheaper because the polices offered don’t have the middleman expense like a broker or insurance agency. Several top car insurers have only have direct ins models and do not have traditional offices or sales channels through brokers. This significantly reduces costs and then these savings are passed onto the consumer in the way of lower rates. This aggressive competitor has been selling cheap car insurance for over 20 years and has competitive online rates few insurers can match. Get your quote on-line today and qualify for instant discounts that can save you even more.
Auto Insurance Pricing Factors
There are several core factors that influence car insurance premiums the most. These include:
1. The Automobile you Drive
If you are in the market for either a new or used car, then just don’t think about the engine performance or color you want. You need to also pay attention to the average insurance rates for the automobile you are thinking of getting. This is so important because you could end up with a car insurance bill that doesn’t fit in your monthly budget. In general, newer more expensive cars cost more to insure. This makes sense because if you total a new vehicle, the insurer will have to replace the value of it, which will be way more than a cheaper used vehicle. In some cases, this can be more than a 90% price variation. For example, a 1998 used Ford Escort valued at $1,200 will cost so much less to get covered than a $75,000 new Jaguar because of the massive replacement price difference. If you are on a budget and hate paying out huge premiums, then get a used car with a 4 cylinder engine and watch your insurance costs go down. On the other hand, if you have money budgeted for a new car and are willing to pay more for coverage, think about raising your deductible and you will save 10% or more on your ins bill.
2. Your Age
To all the young millennials out there, it might sound like age discrimination, but you are going to pay a huge amount for automobile insurance if you are between 16 and 25 years of age. There is almost no way of getting around it, even if you are a super careful driver. The reality is today’s teenagers and young adult drivers are taking big risks while driving, like texting and “facebooking” behind the wheel. Distracted driving accidents are on the rise and so are insurance rates. If on the other have you are over 25 and have a good driving record, you can get low priced coverage if you shop around. You can always take a defensive driving class too, no matter your age and get a small discount of about 5% from most car insurers.
3. Your Driving Record
Unlike your age, you can control how you drive. A persons driving record plays a huge role in the cost of insurance coverage. Insurers give big discounts to drivers who do not have any infractions on their record or accidents. This is a big incentive to drive carefully and responsibly. Not only will it lower your insurance bill, but it will also reduce the chance of you getting into accidents. If you have tickets on your DMV record, get them cleared up as soon as possible, so you can qualify for cheaper insurance.