Every time you get behind the wheel of a car you are responsible for yourself and anyone you meet on the road. If you are tired and starting a trip and you know it will be a long one, please be responsible and rest in between for your safety and ours. It is easy to get bored if the highways do not change and the roads are straight or with very little change to them. If it is late in the evening, after a few hours of driving you may find yourself getting groggy. This is a sure sign you are tired. If you stop and buy a cup of coffee, soda or anything with caffeine and find it does not wake you up then you are putting yourself at risk to continue driving.
Pull over and rest a few hours, refresh yourself and then drive a few more hours. It may take you longer to get where you need to be but you will arrive there safely. When we are young we think we can go for twenty-four to forty-eight hours without sleep and it has been proven that the mind is impaired, your reaction time is slow and your decision process is questionable. If you review your auto insurance policy, your premiums were based on the answers you provided in the questionnaire you completed with the auto insurance company plus your driving record. If you are driving tired and going for long periods of time without sleep you are leaving yourself open for an accident to happen.
If you end up with too many accidents or traffic violations then your auto insurance premiums will increase and you will risk forfeiture of your license. This would be in addition to any of the car repairs or injuries you or anyone sustained during any of the accidents. When you are able to drive again you will have to get online auto insurance quotes on high risk insurance rates and this can be very expensive for you for quite some time. Is it worth it? No, it is worth getting to your next destination safe and fully rested so you can be awake and enjoy the time you are there.