As I close my third year in business, I reflect on 2016 with a lot of lessons learned. Now I don’t want to bore you with lots of writing (and hence lots of reading on your part) but I do want to start by saying, if you want to be successful in your business in 2017 you will need to ask YOURSELF these questions RIGHT NOW!… and be honest with your answers.
Do YOU want to be out of DEBT?
Do YOU want to STOP struggling in BUSINESS?
Do YOU want more clients/customers?
Do YOU want more visibility and recognition for YOU and YOUR business?
Do YOU want to increase your income 10 times or MORE?
If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above like I did then you will need to MAKE UP your MIND that serious work needs to take place in 2017 and from the jump.
I will be the last person to fool anyone into thinking that running your own business is easy. Trust me it’s not… but the old adage is TRUE! The risk is worth the REWARD because it is ALL YOURS.
Here are my TOP 3 RULES:
1. Set your mind that you are going to succeed no matter what.
The biggest hurdle in business is overcoming the limitations in your head. One of my biggest limitations was believing I could do everything by myself. 2016 was the year I brought in 3 new professionals into my business to help keep me on track and to help me increase my bottom line. With the addition of each new person I could visibly see progressive movement in my business… milestones being reached. But the biggest benefit has been in the renewed energy I feel.
Stay inspired and keep your thoughts focused on your dreams and why they are important to you.
2. Devise a comprehensive plan.. (and write it down)
Imagine you are throwing a baby shower for a friend and you want it to be an event that she will remember fondly years after. Imagine that you will have one of a kind games, serve great appetizers that your guests will rave about, the great decorations and atmosphere, and the wonderful conversation. Now think of putting that all together without a plan. You need to “plan” who is coming, what they will be eating, who is bringing what etc.
A business plan ensures that you:
Have clarity and helps to define your purpose.
It keeps you accountable.
It solves problems.
It lets you know what you can and can’t do financially and helps you schedule your activities.
It helps you devise a PLAN B… just in case your PLAN A doesn’t work out.
3. Stay in gratitude
I love this quote:
To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kindness that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good, which is directed at you. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude. — Albert Schweitzer
Everyday that you are given life give thanks. Not only be thankful for the big things but give thanks for the smaller stuff. I say thank you EVERYDAY for parking, my car, the internet, my students, places to teach, a choice of shoes to wear, mentors, family and friends. Nothing is too big or small to give thanks for and when you get to a space of gratitude your life becomes more abundant.
We need to WAKE up, SHOW up and DON’T GIVE UP! My factors for success are not complex and they have worked for me. You need to be serious about your business in 2017 if you want to see it grow. All the best for 2017…