When shopping for a mortgage lender, it is absolutely imperative that you obtain more than one quote. You should also ensure that every lender provides you with a Good Faith Estimate (GFE) to substantiate each offer. When reviewing these quotes, here are five important factors to think about:
1. Fixed or Adjustable
If a rate seems very low compared to other offers, make sure that you are not getting an adjustable rate when you requested a fixed mortgage. Brokers will often try to bait you with a low, adjustable rate.
2. Cash to Close
Look closely at how much cash each lender is requiring you to bring to the closing table. Sometimes a slightly higher rate is fine if it means that you need les money to close.
3. Escrow
Look carefully to see if the quoted loan requires you to escrow your taxes and insurance. If so, make sure your lender estimated the reserves that you will need to pay in order to set up the escrow account.
4. Origination Fees
Generally, the top line on a GFE will show how many origination points you are paying the lender for obtaining the loan on your behalf. It will always be to your advantage to negotiate this amount. Remember, most loan officers are paid on commission so they would rather make a little less than nothing at all.
5. Complete GFE
Make sure all fees are disclosed that you will be required to pay, i.e. origination fees, lender fees, processing fees, taxes, title insurance, transfer tax, etc. Some brokers/lenders will attempt to leave off non-fixed costs like taxes in an attempt to make their loan look more attractive.
These thoughts should prepare you quite well when seeking out a fair and affordable mortgage loan.