Do you want quality car insurance for less? Then you’ll do well to take note of, and implement, the following time-tested tips…
1. Choose a car that has features like alarm system, anti-lock brakes, daytime running lights and any other safety or security feature. Let your insurer know you have such in place. Because they will make you and your vehicle safer they are considered better risks by insurers. Doing these will help you obtain low cost car insurance.
2. It is profitable to be loyal to the same insurance company. You will attract discounts of up to 5% if you maintain a policy with the same insurance company for up to 3 years. The longer you stay with the same insurer, the more the discount you are likely to be given.
3. Do you know of every discount that your insurance carrier offers? Your agent may, by commission or omission, not tell you about some discounts that are available to you. You’ll lower the probability of this happening to you if you make it a point of duty to ask your agent seriously to tell you about every discount that is available. You might get a really pleasant surprise!
4. You will reduce your rate if you have an outstanding credit rating. A poor credit history will cost you in higher rates. The simple reason for this is that there’s a general consensus among many insurance carriers that there’s a correlation between poor credit histories and high risks. This assumption of increased risk makes such persons attract higher rates.
5. Do you know that you could easily save hundreds of dollars by doing smart comparison shopping? Therefore, get and compare many auto insurance quotes from reputable insurance quotes sites. It’s free, quick and very easy.