Marketing to Sell your Wholesale deals
Real estate investor marketing starts with, gathering as many contacts as possible. You should be marketing to find other investors in your area that are looking for houses to rehab and resell. Make sure you attend your local real estate investors association, or REIA, to meet and network with other investors. There you can find out who is looking for what and who the real investors are.
Secondly, call everyone who has bandit signs up and and is running ads in the paper. If they are looking for motivated sellers, ultimately they are looking for deals, so call them and ask them what they are looking for. Tell them that you are always marketing for deals and sometimes, you get more than you can handle at any given time. Let them know that you’ll contact them when you have something, likewise, let them know they can contact you if they have something too. Remember, real estate investor marketing starts with you making contacts. You should always be marketing!
One of the things you can do if you have an internet presence is set up a squeeze page or an opt in for investors to sign up to. When you have deals you can broadcast it to everyone. If you haven’t started your real estate investor marketing online, you are really missing out on the new frontier!
Run an ad in the paper that says something to the effect, “Attention Investors! Fixer upper Special! Available at 70% off retail.” Don’t forget to include your phone number!
Once you have your list, create a flyer that outlines the house with pictures, estimated repair costs, and your assessment of the comps, and the estimated gross profit.
If you have done your work up front, you should have a hungry list of buyers fighting over your deals! Don’t start your real estate investor marketing when you have the deal, you should be marketing up front, and always making connections. You never know when your next deal will fall in your lap!