Mobility and independence are, without a shadow of a doubt, the two most important things to your average 17-21 year old. The complicity lies in the fact that one often relies heavily on the other and both often come at great cost to the parents or guardians involved. While most young adults are craving for that souped up 6 litre V8 that has adorned their bedroom walls since they were 8, the realities area tad harsher. Without taking the actual cost of the vehicle into consideration, insurance costs for youngsters are absolutely sky-rocketing out of all proportion. So how is it possible to gain mobility and independence but not dip into the life savings too drastically?
The answer is simple: Scooters.
Ever since the Vespas and Labrettas of the mod era, the scooter has represented a much more fashionable and accessible form of transport for the urban youngster. Low cost insurance, refueling costs and road tax mean that you can be on the road in a nifty little mover for slightly over £1,500. Now I’m sure if you purchase a scooter for your youngster their eyes will probably look longingly over your shoulder on to the driveway where they hope they will spot a Fiesta or Corsa, but you can respond with a one word answer: Compromise.
That word is the route of any argument with a young adult; meet them half way and they can’t complain. Sure the scooter may not be able to hold all their mates as they joyride around the nearest town center, but it will allow them to get out an about at a fraction of the cost of a car. So which is the best scooter to choose?
I recommend the Honda ANF125i Innova, available for less than £2,000 as a great looking, zippy and safe way of getting about. The Air-cooled 4-stroke SOHC engine provides exceedingly low emissions and is praised for its reliability and performance. It looks sleek and sexy and will no doubt be the pride and joy of any owner.