Cars are products that should be taken care of, just like humans and any other products in the market that have a multiple of systems working in them. The consequences of not taking care of your car would be catastrophic, and not to mention expensive. Drivers are lucky however, as the systems within a car has ways to indicate and show the driver that something is wrong, provided the driver keeps an eye out for deficiencies. So how would one know if his or her car needs to be repaired or a part needs to be replaced?
Signs to Look Out For:
1 – Tyres / Tires
In terms of handling and tires, you can detect deficiencies in this segment when the car starts wobbling or you lose grip when driving on the road. If your car veers to the side while you are driving, chances are that you need to get your tires re-aligned and balanced. Other symptoms include vibrating or shaking steering wheel, lack of grip during rainy days or during cornering. If you are losing grip, you should probably check the condition of the tires (tire pressure, thread condition) or even the suspension system.
2 – Oil filter leakage
If you experience oil leakages from the engine, you could probably be facing a leaking oil filter. If you are facing jerking problems while you drive, your air filter might be clogged, or probably it is time to change your spark plugs.
3 – Transmission system
You should look at repairing or replacing your cars transmission system if one of the following occurs. Firstly if your car is not moving smoothly and you are experiencing bumpy rides. Secondly if you smell burning rubber, which may be hardened rubber seals and gaskets within the transmission system. Thirdly if you drive a manual and you find gear shifting to be difficult. Or if you find that your transmission fluid is leaking, make sure you head to a qualified mechanic to get the transmission system checked out.
4 – Electrical system – Car Battery or Alternator?
How about the electrical system of a car? This would first be indicated by cranking and starting problems if your battery is in need of repair or replacement. Or else your alternator might be facing issues to charge your battery. Check on the charging system by turning on the headlights and checking for dim lights. If they are indeed dim, that means you have to get your alternator looked at.
To conclude, your car would definitely give indications when something needs to be replaced or repaired. It is up to you to read the signs right and take appropriate action to avoid long-term damage on your car.