If you find yourself injured from an automobile accident, your primary focus is to get better. However, this can also be a confusing time, as insurance companies may be contacting you for various details of the accident and the medical care you received. While all accidents are different, an experienced attorney would be invaluable in helping you navigate the waters of the personal injury process.
When you are the victim of an accident and have Medicare – the process of obtaining treatment for your injuries is the same as it is for any other medical issues that you may have. However, what happens behind the scenes with regard to payment of your medical bills and reimbursement of these expenses is vastly different. Unlike private health insurance, because your injuries were caused by someone else, Medicare will automatically have a lien against your case for any medical bills it has paid for your treatment and will expect to be reimbursed from any payment you may receive from the at-fault driver’s automobile insurance company. This type of lien has generally been referred to as a “super lien” because Medicare does not have to notify anyone of the existence of its lien. Therefore, when you receive any compensation for your injuries as a result of a car accident, you will need to reimburse Medicare for the amount they spent on your care.
If you fail to reimburse Medicare for the benefits you received, then the ramifications can be significant. Anyone related to your case – you, the third party, the third party’s insurance carrier, and any lawyers involved in the case – could be liable for twice the amount of the lien. Medicare can also refuse to cover any future medical expenses whether or not they are related to the accident until the lien is paid. Dealing with Medicare and obtaining the amount of its lien is a cumbersome and lengthy process, which is often frustrating even to lawyers.
The amount of time required to handle Medicare’s lien can take away the time and effort needed for your recovery. The added stress may also hinder your recovery. Attorneys understand that your ultimate goal is to fully recover from your injuries, and therefore, and can handle the lengthy and complicated personal injury claim process for you. If you would like a knowledgeable and experienced attorney to assist you with your case, please contact your local personal injury law office. They can help you juggle the letters, phone calls, and payments that may arise in your case.
(Please note: while informative, these posts are not intended to be formal legal advice and are not completely authoritative and should not be solely relied on as a primary basis for legal action.)