From time to time prospective clients will consult with me on their personal injury case and ask if, in fact, they really need a personal injury attorney to handle their case? After all, the insurance adjuster who contacted them the day after the accident “seemed so nice.” The answer to this question, in a nutshell, is yes; absolutely you need an attorney if you have been injured in an accident and you expect to receive fair and adequate reimbursement for your injuries.
A victim of a personal injury is entitled to collect for reasonable and necessary medical treatments. This includes both immediate and current medical requirements and any future medical treatments related to the accident. An injury victim is also entitled to current and future lost wages, as well as a sum for pain and suffering and emotional distress. If the defendants conduct was particularly outrageous the injury victim might be able to claim punitive damages, an amount to punish the wrongdoer. In those cases where a client does not have either medical insurance coverage or the funds to pay for treatment an attorney can often help arrange for medical care to be performed on a “lien” basis, or a promise to pay when the case settles. As well, if an injury victim is involved in an automobile accident, they are eligible for reimbursement for issues related to the damage to their vehicle.
Insurance companies are not stupid! Although the vast majority of personal injury cases settle prior to ever going to court, the fact is that the insurance companies know that an accident victim who is not represented by counsel has no idea how to evaluate a case for fair value, and does not have the necessary skills and knowledge of the law in order to successfully represent their case in court or in settlement negotiations. If an injured person has no ability to litigate his case then there obviously is no real compelling reason for an insurance company to offer a fair settlement amount. Only when the defendant’s insurance company knows that the victim is represented by an attorney with the appropriate understanding of the law and all related legal procedures will they offer just compensation to an accident victim. An experienced personal injury attorney can insure that you are fully compensated for your injuries and that you receive the full measure of what you are entitled to. It is important to remember that insurance adjustors are evaluated by how much they can reduce the amounts they can settle a case for, and how little they actually pay out. The injury victim without a personal injury lawyer simply has no chance at being fairly compensated for their injuries. That’s why it’s of high importance to have a skillful personal injury lawyer by your side. Without knowing your full rights and responsibilities, it will be more than harder to win the case for your benefit. Injury attorneys specializing in tort law, have the required negotiation skills to manage the case to the end. Besides, a dedicated injury lawyer will not try to mislead you or get paid before the case is resolved. They take every accident almost personally and perform at their highest until the injured party gets what he deserves.
In summation, an experienced and aggressive personal injury attorney will secure for their client a far greater settlement than the individual can do on their own. In fact, the net amount the injury victim will receive after attorneys fees will be, without question, far greater than what they would receive if not represented by personal injury counsel. In addition, the injured victim will not have to be concerned with dealing with the myriad of details on their own, including phone calls and accident related paper work. Your personal injury attorney should deliver not only a truly fair settlement but also peace of mind during a difficult time as well as knowing your interests are being represented and protected.