Have you been injured in an automobile accident? Do you know your rights now that you’ve been involved in an automobile accident? Your injuries may include brain injury, spinal cord injury, paralysis, skull fractures, temporary amnesia, back and shoulder injuries, disk injuries, leg, knee and foot injuries, and whiplash. You may have suffered internal injuries including a torn spleen, injured bowels, liver, kidneys, lungs and heart. It is important that you contact a reputable auto accident lawyer in Los Angeles, California, specializing in personal injury law, to protect your rights in your unique situation.
Did the car you were traveling in, belong to you? Was the car a rental vehicle? Was the car a taxicab? If the vehicle did not belong to you, and you were injured in that vehicle, it is vital evidence in your case, and must be preserved as such. How do you proceed in executing this task? A personal injury lawyer knows just what to do. Leave all the legalities in his capable hands; it’s futile to fight your case by yourself. You need someone on your side to fight for your rights, and to prevent the insurance bullies from trying to deceive you by making you settle quickly with an insufficient payoff. Unscrupulous insurance companies use this strategy before you have had a chance to think about seeking legal representation for your case.
In many cases accidents happen as a result of defective manufacture; therefore the body of evidence is the actual vehicle-and that vehicle has to be examined closely by an expert for any and all clues as to what caused the accident. The vehicle should not be handled or otherwise tampered with by anybody after the fact. An experienced auto accident lawyer is able to handle this situation with ease.
While you are in the hospital, your ability to support your family the way in which they have become accustomed; is drastically reduced or may even come to a sudden halt. As well as the household bills, there are now additional bills, ambulance and/or air-evac bills, emergency surgery and surgeon’s bills, including anesthesiologists and consultant’s bills, not to mention the thousands of dollars it costs per day while you are receiving medical care in the hospital. Following discharge from the hospital, there will be physical therapy costs, pain management appointments, medication expense, specialist’s fees, transportation costs, and constant calls and demands for overdue hospital bill payments. All of this, and more, while you are trying to reconstruct your life; trying to keep your family together, as well as worrying about the future and its, seemingly, bleak outlook.
Take a break from your worries, and consult an experienced auto accident attorney, ready to take your case, and fight for your rights. Your full recovery is paramount; your personal injury claim will be conducted in a most professional manner, thoroughly and with integrity.