Finding an auto insurance company that offers you great coverage for a good price is important, but just as vital is making sure it’s a reliable company. Reliability means the company treats you well and handles your claims in an efficient, honest way. You may even find that you are willing to pay a little bit extra for the assurance of having the most dependable company on your side. Here are a few ways to gauge the reliability of insurance companies:
1. Visit your state’s department of insurance site. Most of these state sites will have information on state auto insurance companies and a “complaint ratio.” The complaint ratio deals with how many complaints the company has per 1,000 claims filed.
2. Contact local body shops. One of the best ways to find a reliable insurance company is to contact body shops in your area that you trust, and ask them for their recommendation. Body shops have to deal with insurance companies on a daily basis, so they will have first-hand knowledge of how well each company handles its claims and payouts.
3. Look at its ratings. Check out the insurance company’s rating at JD Power & Associates. This online resource gives you information on every company based on coverage options, price, claims handling, satisfaction with company representatives and the overall experience.
4. Look at their financial stability. The financial stability of an insurance company is important to consider because it will tell you if they have the resources to pay out your claims. Companies like A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s measure every company’s financial security. When looking at the ratings, you will want to make sure the company you go with has at least a B+ from A.M. Best and a BBB from Standard & Poor’s.
If you’re still having a hard time finding Florida insurance companies on you own, you might want to consider working with an agent. Agents are there to help you navigate the tricky business of finding a solid plan with a reputable company. They are highly experienced and will know the ins and outs of every available option.