Simple maintenance can prevent a whole list of bad breakdowns on a new vehicle. While you can expect great performance from the very beginning, the idea is to start good maintenance habits, so they will already be in place and you’ll know your vehicle when the time comes that something changes.
1. Read The Owners Manual.
Finding out how often you should change the oil, check the transmission fluids, and inspect your vehicle, or have a “tune up” will prevent many auto illnesses. While there are many similarities between vehicles, the differences are often major. Know your vehicle by reading the manual.
2. Automatically Check the Fluids When You fill Up with Gas.
When you stop for a quick fill up, check the fluids. This simple procedure can save you many miles of towing, by giving you a heads up warning of any low fluids, changes in the engine operation, and reminders of vehicle irregularities.
3. Routinely Check Rubber for Damage.
Hoses, belts, and tires should be viewed weekly for frayed edges, weather checking, and other visible damage. Again, if you’re used to checking them, you’ll recognize an irregularity that may cause a breakdown.
TIP: Maintaining proper inflation in your tires increases gas mileage and decreases irregular wear on tires.
With simple maintenance habits, caring for your vehicle becomes a routine of cutting costs, prevention, and understanding of how your vehicle operates, what you can expect, and how you can improve performance.
For instance: If you are aware that when your oil is a quart low, your mileage drops by two or three miles to the gallon, you can easily increase your mileage by keeping the oil levels up.
Time spent on maintenance increases the life and performance of your vehicle.