Believe it or not, you may not have to go to an auto repair store to get what you need to fix your vehicle. Before you spend your money, look around your home and see if you have some of the common household items that will fix small problems with your vehicle. Using these items can save you time and money!
Duct tape is useful in almost any do it yourself project, and almost everyone has a roll lying around their home. You can use it to (at least temporarily) fix leaky or broken hoses. Remember this may be only a quick fix, and you may need to replace the hose, but at least you will not be without your vehicle.
On very cold mornings, you may find that you can’t unlock your car or open the handle. If this happens, try using some hand sanitizer on the lock. The alcohol works to melt the ice that may be blocking the key hole and holding the handle in place.
Olive oil and other cooking oils can be used on squeaky hinges in place of traditional products. You can also rub olive oil on your skin to remove paint. Cooking oil can often be a good lubricant.
If your battery is corroded, use baking soda and water to remove the corroded material. Mix the baking soda in water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste to the corroded areas. Baking soda is also a good cleaning agent for chrome. Baking soda can be used for safety purposes as well. If a small fire occurs, pour baking soda on it to suffocate the flames.
As you can see, you do not necessarily need to head to the auto repair store to fix your vehicle. There are many useful items you can use from around your house. You will save time and money with household items.