A car insurance coverage claim is given when you are searching for your insurance coverage policy to pay for some of the damages that could have been done to your vehicle, to another person or their car or to stuff that has been damaged by your fault.
If you file a claim against your auto insurance coverage, you will be hoping that they take care of this thing for you. One thing to think about is that you are paying for your auto insurance coverage for a reason and this is just why. So, if you find that you are in need of assistance in paying for the damages or looking for a method to pay for the costs of somebody else because of some mistake that you could have made, you should want to file this kind of claim to your insurance coverage firm.
A lot drivers believe that they could never report something to their insurance coverage firm. They believe that any time that they do they might be causing their own coverage to go up in price. They could need to pay more for their coverage after making a claim.
This is true to some degree. If you are discovered to be guilty of causing this to happen, there is a chance that you might need to pay more for your insurance coverage, but in most cases it will not be too great and it will not be something that goes on forever. Now, if you do not make that claim and do not report the accident to your firm and they know that it has transpired by pulling a report of your driving record, they are likely to increase your costs possibly even higher and they could even question whether they might have you again in another policy.
If you are a risk to a firm, the insurance coverage firm should likely choose not to renew your insurance coverage policy or they could actually just increase your rates somewhat. This could be something that you do not want to face, yet it could be something that you just need to.
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?When-to-File-an-Auto-Coverage-Claim&id=1239109