In 1621 the origin of Thanksgiving was celebrated by a Plymouth Colony which done after a horrible winter storm. The holiday was proclaimed by Governor Bradford. Before Thanksgiving didn’t have a particular day. When the colonists celebrated this traditional harvest feast they invited some of the local Indians which were Wampanoag.
The origin of Thanksgiving was celebrated all through the colonies once the harvests were completed in the fall. The thirteen colonies didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving on the same day until in October 1777 when George Washington was declared president in 1789. This is when the United States made Thanksgiving an official holiday.
When the mid-1800, came about many states chose to observe the Thanksgiving holiday. There was lobbying done by Sarah J. Hale to make Thanksgiving a holiday. So this when the origin of Thanksgiving was brought to everyone’s attention because of President Lincoln making the Thanksgiving Proclamation. So in 1863 Thanksgiving was declared the last Thursday of the month of November.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was trying to extend the shopping season during Christmas through the years of 1939 to 1941. So he made it official for the third Thursday of the month of November. The origin of Thanksgiving was brought out when the Congress had an important decision to make for Franklin D. Roosevelt. Congress made a decision to add from the third to the fourth Thursday of the month of November in 1941 as shopping time for the holidays so it covered the holidays that are family orientated.
The origin of Thanksgiving is still in the homes of the United States by dining on the harvest of the lands. The only difference is that the original Thanksgiving was in June and for most people their harvesting is not completed until October or November. It may have a different meaning now because of it being so close to the holiday season for shopping for Christmas. But it is still spent with family and friends and it is shows how much our country has grown over the centuries. It has almost been four centuries since the holiday has been created but it is still being celebrated to this day with the true story being told in schools and homes across the United States. Passing on the traditions of our ancestors is very important and it will be remembered in years to come with our future relatives. So enjoy this time and teach all that you can to your relatives.
Source by L. G. Wills