MRI equipment used to be a rarity in the medical industry fifteen years ago but now they have become quite common place in the United States medical field. The MRI industry is expected to reach almost two billion dollars in the year 2008 alone. This industry is especially growing at an even faster rate outside of the United States because the technology is still new to less developed countries.
MRI Equipment is relied on extensively today in the diagnostic imaging field because it provides such detailed images for physicians. This way they can properly diagnose their patients. MRI is slowly being introduced to developing countries and in the United States a new MRI technology is coming to market. This new technology is called 3T machines. 3T stands for 3-tesla which provides superior imaging capabilities in less time than a standard MRI machine. The old MRI equipment standard was 1.5 Tesla.
Better image quality is important with these new machines since it can give doctors a cleared picture of their patients ailments, which lead to a proper diagnosis. Also, with the older 1.5T machines the MRI took a significant amount of time to take. With these new machines the time factor has been significantly reduced. This is important for the patient because MRI machines have a couple of downsides. The machines are loud and enclosed, which encapsulates the patient as the image is being taken.
With the new technology coming out patients will not fear having these images taken with MRI equipment. With patients being less reluctant to have these procedures done the MRI industry will continue to grow at a fast pace. Physicians will continue to rely heavily on this emerging technology and will be able to make better diagnosis’ for their patients an which will in turn help cure their ailments.
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?MRI-Equipment-Surround-Your-Patients-Appropriately&id=1303185