As a leader in visual computing technologies, Nvidia has created numerous products for their GeForce, Quadro and Tesla lines. These products are used in video games, industrial design, financial modeling, broadcasting, and film production, to name a few. If you have Nvidia hardware on your machine and are experiencing computer problems that can not be easily troubleshooted, it is likely due to the fact that your Nvidia driver is outdated, as their technology changes rapidly.
Device drivers are a fundamental part of the proper functioning of your PC. They are a group of files that allow your hardware devices to effectively communicate with your PC's Operating System. When a driver is either outdated, corrupted, or missing, then the hardware or accessory it belongs to will not be able to work with your computer. Every time you attempt to use the device, say your Nvidia GeForce-based graphics card, the program you are running will freeze up, causing you to lose vital information, or your computer will simply crash simply due to your outdated Nvidia driver.
A lot of times your computer crashes in order to protect itself from further damage or simply because it is overloaded. So, every time you ignore the error and simply restart your machine, you are making the problem much worse. Overtime, errors build up causing overall poor computer performance including application freezes and crashes that are not even associated with the original outdated driver. Ensuring that your computer's drivers are kept up-to-date should be a part of your regular computer maintenance.
Most people do not do this regularly because it is a daunting task. Why so overwhelming? Well, updates to drivers are constantly being released in so many different places on the Internet, it is very difficult to match system specifications, it is extremely time-consuming, and unless you are a fairly computer savvy, you could mess up your computer altogether . Keeping your drivers updated is so important for your computers health, yet it's almost impossible to do. It's a seemingly Catch-22.
Until now.
In recent years, there has been a development of driver update software. You no longer have to do anything by hand. It's pure genius. You simply install the software; it then scans your computer in a matter of minutes and viola! You are provided with a list of updated drivers that are needed so your machine can be functioning properly again. You do not have to scour the Internet for hours or worry that you are downloading a malicious or incorrect driver. Problem solved.
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Nvidia-Drivers—How-to-Get-the-Latest-Nvidia-Driver-Download&id=2583462