Imagine for a moment that your car drives smoothly, has two doors that open vertically, 180º view from a Jetson's like cock pit. Oh, did I mention this car also gets 300 mile to the gallon?
Welcome to the Aptera Revolution
When I first read about the Aptera, I could not believe it was true. The idea is more than just innovative-its revolutionary. Most alternatively propelled vehicles and schemes revolve around incorporating alternative propulsion technology with existing auto designs. Aptera broke ranks with this conventional method and decided to rebuild "the car" from the ground up in order to increase the viability and efficiency of the alternative fuel being used. From this "recasting" of the die Aptera has completely redrawn how we as a society view the automobile. With the first set of cars ready to be bought in the next year, the only remaining question is if Aptera's revolution will be everyone's or end up being "the Aptera fad."
What's in an Aptera?
From first glance the Aptera Typ-1 seems something more fitting for a sci-fi movie than our generation, but that is precisely Aptera's point. We as a society need a new way to think if we are going to put together the type of alternatively propelled car everyone keeps talking about. The Aptera is a three wheeled in-house designed vehicle with original suspension systems and an efficiency design using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). On top of all of this, the Aptera's propulsion system is electricity powered with a range of 150 miles and in prototypes being released soon Aptera has introduced a hybrid propulsion system, giving the car a range of 600 miles.
Yet with all the hype over the Aptera's alternative fuel propulsion, the Aptera is so much more than just another stab at a "green car." The Aptera really is another world. It's entire interior is made of recycled material. It has a touch screen to regulate temperature, music, and other standard car functions. The interior is roomy and thanks to the solar paneling on the Aptera's roof (energizing the car's internal atmospheric computer system while the owner is outside), the interior's air is kept at a normal temperature. With it's smooth handling and power, revolutionary design, there is really nothing like the Aptera.
Is The World Ready?
The question many people are asking themselves is not whether the people at Aptera have something incredible, every knows that, rather the real question: Is the world ready for Aptera? With it's unconventional design and thought behind the entire vehicle, Aptera challenges the notion of the traditional sedan. Any owner of an Aptera must be ready to break societal stereotypes wrapped up in car ownership. The real debate for any potential Aptera buyer is whether the revolutionary and futuristic feel of the Aptera outweighs the break in conventionalism.
The Revolution Has Already Begun
Whether or not Aptera as a company is successful in the future is not the important part of Aptera's existence. The point has been made in future car circles and auto enthusiast discussions that the very existence and successful development of the Aptera Typ-1 has already opened the door and broken down the barrier of conventionalism. This maybe the greatest gift the Aptera company has given to the world of transportation.
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Is-It-A-Motor-Bike-Or-Car?&id=1005345