The method of using magnetism to produce energy is what is being researched for quite some time. It is a very novel method for people to generate electricity and that for free. Because this idea was not accepted by big companies to build their own perpetual motion generators the idea was scrapped. But the free energy plans that people can benefit from the use of a perpetual motion generator was too good to forget. And even though the big energy companies disliked the idea the public in general realized its benefits. Because in comparison to the rising prices of energy from a supplier this offered free energy plans.
Assembling a perpetual motion generator that offer free energy plans is very simple and can be done with the help of a do it yourself manual step by step. Or watch and learn from a video online. The benefits of the perpetual motion generator are so good that it can easily put energy companies out of business. You will be surprised to watch your perpetual motion generator provide you with energy up to 7000 watts which is more than enough for your home and all this in a free energy plan.
With a generator like this you will never have the need of using or paying for electricity from an energy supplying company because you are generating your own energy in a free energy plan from your generator itself. The budget for this is also quite reasonable and not too expensive.You will be satisfied and happy with your decision when you watch how this generator, produces more energy than it consumes and that too non stop thus, living up to its name of perpetual motion generator.
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Free-Energy-Plans—Perpetual-Motion-Generator&id=3780975