Enjoy Life Everyday at Home!
With gas prices skyrocketing and food too …. it is no wonder that people are starting to feel a little down and out but if we really take the time to look around at what we have available to us on a daily basis, we should all feel blessed maybe even a bit spoiled! Most of us these days have all the modern conveniences of the day …. dishwashers, microwaves, dvd players, computers (maybe even more than one), TV's (maybe even more than two or three!), Two cars, automatic this and automatic that, food on our tables and clothes on our backs. Maybe if we are panicking a little bit or getting down we should just try and get back to basics! You know what I mean …. cut back, get rid of excess and start enjoying life more …. instead of working so hard to attain more "stuff".
Maybe you think you need to buy a new piece of furniture because what you have right now doesn't look to good to you. With a fresh coat of paint and some new fabric it could look better than new! There is something about turning old stuff into something new that is so rewarding. To be able to work with your hands and use your creativity is just plain fun. Too many of us are in such a hurry, running here and there, just trying to keep up … that we don't get many chances to use our creativity. Once you tap into that world of creativity you just can't stop. It makes you feel like a kid again. Just in the last few years I have painted many walls, and pieces of furniture, I have recovered, re-done, made do or done without … and I have enjoyed the whole process every time! I love to find something old and make it new again. My sister and I call ourselves the "The Style Sisters" together we have completed many projects such as: reupholstered a chair, painted kitchen cupboards, found dinning room chairs at the thrift store and turned them into something really special, taken old frames and turne them into beautiful cork boards with style! We have had fun being creative and saving money !!! It is a blast!
Another thing we do to enjoy life everyday is entertain at home with friends and family. There is something about being together with the ones you love … around the dinner table all set with fun colorful dishes or in the backyard with paper plates, laughing, playing silly games and making memories. With some simple recipes and fun desserts, linens you can whip up in seconds or next to nothing !! Everyday can feel like a special day with friends and family.
Karin Brosnan