As a young driver going about finding a car insurance provider to use for your insurance coverage, you will be looking out for the cheapest possible option. This is understandable, as the cost of insuring your car can really become significantly high. However, it is not all about the the price quote. There are other important factors you must look at in other to have an enjoyable car insurance experience.
Here, I share with you some very helpful tips for picking the right insurance company for you.
1. Does the company have reliable customer care services?
When you have complaints or claims or you are confused about a clause in the car insurance policy contract, you definitely want friendly and considerate response from your insurer. And not an annoying or impatient treatment from them. So, you will do yourself a lot of good if you take out time to find an auto insurance provider with great customer care services. It will be worth your time.
2. The Word of Mouth
How about asking friends and family about the insurance companies you are investigating. Have they had any experiences with any of those companies? You may be surprised at the feedback you would get. You see, many times we tend to overlook the important lessons we can learn from our friends, family or close associates. If you do not ask, you may not get to talk about that "annoying car insuring firm" or you may not hear about "such a helpful auto insurance company".
3. Exploit the services provided by your government insurance departments.
Most insurance departments keep records of consumer complaints. Go over to these government agencies and do a mini research on the insurance providers you are considering. You may be surprised to find an otherwise "cheap" car insurance provider having several complaints by consumers about delayed payments or incomplete payments.
4. How about online forums?
Make use of the opportunities to join forums online. There are a ton of these and they are virtually always free to join. You can just take out a few minutes to surf round previous threads. You will easily meet other young drivers. Ask them for their experiences. Remember to also ask about discounts they are exploiting.
5. Get recommendations from body shops.
Car body shops repair damaged cars and therefore always work with car insurance companies. They therefore have a lot of experience with different auto insurance companies and can offer valuable advice on the best car insurance company for you as a young driver. Visit 1 or 2 of them and let them share their experiences with you.