A stretch limo is normally a really unusual automobile. At initial glance it looks like a automobile but between the primary set of wheels along with the last set of wheels there is a large gap. You may even wonder if your eyes are playing tricks on you, but ultimately you'll recognize why the word "stretch" comes before the word limo. These limousines are generally extremely interesting inside of and they all seat no less than six individuals comfortably. The seats are arranged in an L shape to ensure that you all face one another. And you generally have your quite own limo driver.
There are several varieties on the regular stretch limo. There are SUV's, Cadillacs, Rolls Royce and even stretch hummer limos. All of those limos come in a range of colors and nearly all of the distinct vehicle manufacturers will have their own wide variety of a stretch limo. These limousines are commonly outfitted having a glass partition between the driver along with the passenger region. This glass partition is blackened and has a window that may be opened or closed.
These partitions are commonly utilized for the privacy for that passengers inside the limo. Numerous wealthy persons and celebrities individual their private limo and they are utilized for all types of occasions and some of these occasions require privacy. You will find thousands of commercial limousine companies around the world that are employed by persons, hotels, restaurants, social gatherings and wedding parties and airports. Airports take a big share of the commercial limousine, using both their normal limousines and the stretch limo.
A stretch limo is equipped using a bar that generally includes soft drinks, liquor, snacks, glasses and ice. Numerous usually carry champagne and caviar as well. There are also speakers for music in this type of limo with controls to change a radio station or to play your own CD. There is certainly also unique mood lighting throughout the stretch limo which offers a exclusive and personal atmosphere.
The windows with the limo are always tinted black for privacy plus the ride in a stretch limo is generally very smooth and comfy. One in the biggest positive aspects to riding in the stretch limo will be the privacy that it offers to its passengers. All types of various and unusual activity can occur in one of those limos and it can provide the perfect party atmosphere where you automatically possess a designated driver. There is lots of room to lie down and nap or play board or card games. It is possible to have your meal with no stopping when driving on a long road trip and you are able to have a business meeting for the method to the airport or whilst driving around the city in one of these limos. There are lots of positive aspects to owning or renting one of those stretch limos.