While all but two states require the owner of a car to carry liability insurance, a few states also require other types of insurance as well. The only way to know for sure what you are required to buy is to check with your state officials and ask what the types and limits are. They will give you the minimum amounts and you can go from there in seeking an car insurance quote. Even if your state does not require the additional coverage, you may want to get an auto insurance quote on them for your own peace of mind and safety.
The two areas that are coming into their own are Medical Payments (MedPay) and Personal Injury Protection (PIP). MedPay will cover the medical expenses that result from an injury acquired in an accident in your car or another car that you have permission to drive. You will also be covered if a car hits you. A thing to remember when you are getting your auto insurance quote is that MedPay covers the medical care no matter who caused the accident. Your insurance company my decide to go after the other driver and their insurance company if they are determined to be at fault.
The other area, PIP, is required in sixteen states so if you live in one of those you will have to have an auto insurance quote on it. PIP will cover medical expenses, funeral expenses and lost wages for you and any passengers in your car. Whether or not you have to have it is decided by the state, whether or not you need it is determined by how good a medical coverage program you have. If your medical insurance will pay for the medical expenses then when you get your auto insurance quote only ask for the minimum. If you do not have medical insurance or if it will not cover accidents of this sort you may want to get your auto insurance quote on the higher ends of the policy.
Getting an auto insurance quote from several sources is often confusing. With one state requiring one amount of coverage and the next state requiring something else it is best to get your automotive insurance quote from someone you trust.