If knowing the basic operating principles of your autos air conditioning system is a benefit, than this article is yours for the taking. The automobile a / c system can be expensive to repair in some cases. Considering a simple inspection and performance test, may save in time and money. Here are some basic checks that will help aid in producing cold air and cooling your every day drive. Read on.
Make sure the car is blowing air into the cab, start the vehicle and turn the a / c on with the air on high. If air is present, is that air cold, cool or warm? Cold air means system if functioning, but may need servicing for even colder air. Cool air indicates that the system needs service, and may have a significant freon leak or weak system. Warm air suggest that your automobile air conditioning system has malfunctioned. With the air still on high, cycle the a / c button or switch on the air conditioning control panel. Do you hear the compressor switch on and off? This will sound like a loud tick one time under the hood. Thus the same sound should be heard every time you cycle the a / c. If the compressor is cycling on and off, but the cab is not cooling, then you may be low on freon. The system may have air or moister, due to a large freon leak. The system may be inefficient or cold air is not being diverted, this is due to a malfunction in the air ducting via electrical, engine vacuum or control panel failure. A complete inspection of your automobiles cooling system will also play a factor in a / c efficiency. Another way to check for a / c efficiency would be to inspect the accumulator with the air conditioning on and running. This component is a cylinder under the hood and may have a sticker on it from the factory. The receiver drier or accumulator will be cold and may have condensation on it, when the air conditioning system is working properly.
In conclusion preparing your vehicle for the heat is crucial to get through the summer. In order to have a reliable ride, and a comfortable one, auto air condition and cooling system checks must be performed. These inspections should be performed by a certified auto technician. When performing the checks on your own, take the proper safety precautions, and utilize any information you can gather about your automobiles air conditioning system.