It is getting harder for everyone to afford good car insurance but the fact remains that by law you have to have it on your vehicle. This means for some they cannot afford to buy insurance. Their cars have to sit in the drive collecting dust. This is unfortunate but that is the law. No one is allowed to drive on public roads and highways without insurance. So what are your choices?
You do have choices in the matter. Nowadays you can purchase auto insurance for a day. This type of cover is available for 28 days at a time. There is a limit on how many days a year you can purchase this however. This is something you will want to remember. If you do not drive often and can not afford yearly cover you may want to consider this type of cover. You will get comprehensive cover on whatever vehicle you insure. It does not even have to be your vehicle.
If you have to borrow the car of a friend for a day, you are going to want insurance on it. There is no way you want to risk an accident while driving a friend's vehicle and not be covered. This is when auto cover for a day makes the most sense. You can purchase one a day cover and protect your friend's car. Since it is comprehensive cover you will be protected for all eventualities. One a day makes more sense than getting an annual policy to cover while you borrow the vehicle.
One a day car insurance is also great for driving a brand new car home from the dealership. By getting one a day you can drive the vehicle home right away. You will not have to wait until you line up your annual policy on it. Taking holiday with a rented vehicle or to have someone else covered on your car is another good reason to carry auto insurance for a day. Sometimes you have to take a break from driving. You can let someone else drive if you have comprehensive cover that lasts a few days. It is a cheaper method of getting insurance on the car and the person driving the car.
When family or friends come to visit who come by train or plane, they will need a vehicle to drive while they are here. You can get one day car insurance on your vehicle to cover them while they are using it. It is perfect for a week or two. New drivers have a lot of trouble affording policies. Many of them have to let their car sit. Although it is only a temporary fix, using car insurance for a day is a good way to be able to get to an important meeting or to school.
Short term car insurance definitely has its benefits. This cover is easy to apply for with many companies offering it over the internet. Since it is temporary insurance there will be fewer questions to answer. There is the drawback of insurance companies being picky over whom they insure, however.