In this article we are going to look at the most common causes of road traffic accidents that are in turn leading to accident compensation claims being made.
Many accidents are caused by drivers who are intoxicated from alcohol or drugs.
Bad Weather
One of the biggest causes of road traffic accidents is bad weather conditions. The weather can cause bad visibility or cause bad traction on the road surface which can in turn lead to vehicles colliding with each other or objects such as walls. Other unexpected weather conditions such as flash flooding and black ice can lead to accidents as it is to late to detect it until it has affected you.
Driver Error
Probably the largest cause of road traffic accidents currently is driver error. These are range from following cars too closely, falling asleep at the wheel, driving too fast, unsafe overtaking and many other careless and unnecessary mistakes.
This is linked to driver error but is more about the driver being distracted by something outside the car or inside the car. Many accidents are caused by drivers actually being distracted by another accident happening on the road. But even things such as changing cds, looking at your mobile phone or checking out your make up in the mirror can all cause accidents. Basically anything that's makes you take your eyes off the road can create disastrous situations on the road.
Road Design
Sometimes accidents are caused by bad road design. This is when a part of the road or traffic control has been poorly placed or designed and can lead to increased accidents in the area. This could be anything from poorly placed signs blocking your view of incoming traffic at intersections to dangerous turnings off of busy roads. Sometimes accidents caused by poor road design will mean that the government or council will be liable.
Vehicle defects
Sometimes a road traffic accident will be caused by a defect in the driver's vehicle. These defects can be anything from brake failure to a tire bursting. Vehicle defects can cause an accident on the road, but sometimes these defects will cause more damage in an accident caused by something else. For example some cars will have defective airbags which do not deploy correctly, meaning people involved in accidents may suffer worse injuries. Also some SUV / people carrier style cars are prone to rolling easier which will result in worse injuries for the passengers.