So what are you gifting your boyfriend this valentine’s? Your boyfriend will have planned a special valentine day celebration for you. Are you sure your gift to him will be as special?
In case you are unsure about what to gift him this year, here is some help: Gift him a book. Yes, it is as simple as that. A book is an inexpensive little gift and yet it enjoys shelf space in a person’s life for years. It captures precious memories. It evokes special thoughts. It has all the qualities that are needed in a good gift.
The only trick to gifting a book however is choosing the right one. There are just too many books out there for you to choose. It can be quite confusing to choose the right book without feeling overwhelmed.
Dont worry, it is very much possible to choose the right book gift, without being a scholar. Simply follow these rules:
Rule 1: Select a famous book that falls in the receiver’s hobby area. So if your boyfriend likes traveling, choose a travelogue for him.
Rule 2: Choose a ‘happy’ book for a gift. If your relationship with your boyfriend is a few years old, gift a memory book. It will help bring back all the precious moments you have spent together.
Rule 3: Choose a book that is fun but not sleazy. There is too much cheap eroticism available in the book world. Steer clear of such books and choose a gift that is a classic- even if it is in the field of eroticism.
These rules will help you identify a good book gift when you see one. In case you need more help on choosing book gifts for your boyfriend, then read ‘Gift a Book: 101 ideas- Ultimate guide to the best gifts’.