The Wu-Tang Clan and Silicon Valley’s favorite meal-replacement drink, together at last. Here are the pictures that prove it.
This is GZA. You probably know him as a founding member of the Wu-Tang Clan and the artist behind the canonical hip-hop album Liquid Swords.
Getty Images / Via Soylent
But the other day, GZA played a new role: celebrity pitchman for Soylent, the meal-replacement drink that has fans among Silicon Valley techies.
Here's GZA holding a bottle of cacao-flavored Soylent.
Getty Images / Via Soylent
The rapper performed at a Soylent party during the SXSW Conference and Festivals in Austin, Texas, over the weekend.
Getty Images / Via Soylent
He also posed for pictures with Soylent’s CEO, Rob Rhinehart, who has called the experience of grocery shopping a “multisensory living nightmare.”
Getty Images / Via Soylent