Ernesto Benavides / AFP / Getty Images
Nearly 10 employees at Facebook’s Toronto office have resigned or been fired after engaging in sketchy practices inside the office’s sales organization, BuzzFeed News has learned.
The untoward behavior that led to the departures was a practice where sales employees would take credit for advertiser accounts that they did not set up or support in any way. The revenue associated with these accounts counted toward these sales peoples’ quotas, and they “earned” commission despite not doing any work. More importantly, some within the Toronto office also knew of ads that violated Facebook’s advertising policies, but did not immediately flag them. So Facebook took action.
Facebook declined to comment.
The activity in the Toronto office had no relation to the ad metrics inflation scandal Facebook has been embroiled in since late last year. But it’s sure to raise some eyebrows among advertisers already having trust issues with a platform that overestimated average video viewing times and other metrics used to determine success. One advertising agency CEO, for instance, immediately referenced the the metrics scandal when told of the Toronto turbulence.