The story was Leo the Late Bloomer.
Back in August last year, 19-year-old Andrew Kochamba started at the University of Tennessee. His RA handed out a form asking residents for their information and if there was anything he could do to make their years better.
Andrew Kochamba
Knowing that his RA, Quamir Boddie, had a sense of humor, Kochamba wrote that he wanted Boddie to read him a bedtime story on his birthday.
Boddie, pictured above, is a first-time RA. He told BuzzFeed News that he found Kochamba's request “kind of strange” at the time but decided to respect his wishes and agreed to the bedtime story.
Quamir Boddie
Now fast forward to 9 p.m. on Kochamba’s birthday on February 23.
“Q knocked on the door, rocking his PJs and a copy of the classic Leo the Late Bloomer by Robert Kraus,” Kochamba said. “I got all situated, and Q stood on top of my desk chair and read.”
“He read it all upside down so I could see all the pictures. It was impressive,” Kochamba said.
He added that Boddie “definitely read it theatrically” and that “good storytelling is a performance art form.”
Kochamba's roommate snapped a picture, and Kochamba tweeted it. His tweet has since gone viral with more than 13,000 retweets.