Many, if not most of us, have been impacted by trauma in some form or another. Any event, or series of events, either real or imagined, which causes significant distress to the body-mind and which the person perceives they are unable to escape or control can be traumatic. The impact of a particular trauma, or series of traumas, and its unwinding depends upon many factors, including Karma, both of the Soul as well as the body.
While we traditionally think of trauma as physical or extreme psychological events such as accidents or war, the psychological community has come to understand that repeated diminishment or other inappropriate experiences can have a profound impact upon one’s psyche. The lessons we learned from our family, often become the model of love which we play out in our future relationships. The increasingly invasive nature of medicine can easily add to the buildup of life’s reservoir of trauma. The stress of social conditioning and peer pressure, especially in the sexual arena all contribute to the storehouse we hold inside.
We have two concurrent Karmic tracks; the Soul’s which exists as one continuous lifetime experiencing multiple incarnations, and the body’s which has a genetic timeline through successive generations. Each brings with it the unconscious burden of trauma, guilt, and attractor patterns. Coupled with the present lifetime of traumatic experiences this is can represent an overwhelming burden. The soul’s karmic inheritance is primarily housed in consciousness, which plays a role in where and when we incarnate, and can then affect the physicality of that incarnation. The body’s is energetically held within the multiple layers of the body-mind, which can then have an effect on consciousness.
Depending upon our genetic inheritance, we have various acupuncture meridians which are more delicate than others. The acupuncture system lies in the etheric body or etheric double. Each time there is an energetic/emotional impact upon the body-mind, that/those meridian(s) are affected and at some point begin to decline, which can lead to dis-ease in its corresponding organ or system.
Some sexual abuse memories may have been the taking on of the fantasies and guilty thoughts of the adults to whom they were exposed. Children are very open psychically and it’s not uncommon for them to read the minds of those surrounding them. Some people displaying obsessive compulsive symptoms are trying to protect themselves from the invasive thought forms of others. To the human consciousness, it matters not if it was an actual event or one taken from another, it is real nonetheless.
Patterns of dysfunction can go back many generations and can, on some level be genetically encoded. Release the energetic encoding and the pattern can more easily be disolved. Mothers who themselves have been traumatized often carry that energetic in their solar plexus and that can imprint upon the fetus. Likewise, sperm can carry the energetic as well as the genetic imprint of the father at the time of conception. If there is unresolved trauma that imprint can embed in the sperm carrying it to the offspring. Of course there is the whole period of rearing in which to impress the plethora of parental angst.
Guilt and shame often adds to the burden for many, especially those whose trauma stemmed from human behavior. The sexually violated child or young adult often has the humiliation of the body’s pleasurable response to the violation as well as the guilt stemming from a variety of misperceptions. The survivors of tragedies such as the holocaust can bear a huge burden of guilt both for any perceived misdeeds committed for the sake of survival as well as the simple fact of having survived at all.
Of course, each individual will react differently to a particular stimulus and what is sloughed off by one can become a deep festering wound in another. What makes one tree prosper after a lightning strike and another falter and die? The factors number more than the grains of sand on a beach and no one can accurately predict the outcome.
The list of symptoms, which people display as the result of trauma are quite diverse. They run the gamut of human dysfunction including self-inflicting the original wound. In many instances there is an energy buildup much like an electrical capacitor which releases an intense charge to overcome inertia. Whenever the particular trigger is activated there is an overwhelming release of energy which threatens to consume the person. This can make treatment a potentially volatile endeavor.
In the past several decades psychologists and spiritual/energy healers have made enormous inroads in understanding and creating effective tools to deal with trauma. Several modalities utilize sensory interrupters, like rapid eye movement and tapping to diffuse the trigger mechanisms. Some work with consciously allowing the energy to run out while others seek to diffuse the Karmic debt, greatly reducing the level of unconscious guilt. Soul retrieval is used by many to reunite the fragmented parts of the persona and the ever-increasing popularity of twelve-step programs have assisted many to escape the hell of substance abuse, facilitating access to the underlying pathologies.
Whatever the particular course of action or combinations enlisted in dealing with the aftermath of trauma, recovery requires courage and commitment on the part of the client/patient and a deep commitment to heal. It also requires a high level of expertise and experience on the part of the therapist. At any rate the continuing evolution of awareness of the issues involved and increasingly more effective healing modalities offers hope for those previously trapped by their past experiences.